Introducing The SETC PROGRAM!!

Hello, at IMARKETZONE we're always looking for ways to benefit customers. With that being said, we understand that many of your are self-employed, running your own businesses from day to day. If that's you or anyone you may know, PLEASE KEEP READING..
Did you or anyone you know file a self-employed 1099 tax return in 2021? This would be a schedule C in your personal tax return. If so, you can get up to $32,000 back from the IRS through the SETC program
There's absolutely No out-of-pocket cost, and FREE to apply! The deadline to apply is April 15th, 2025. APPLY NOW at SETCDIRECT.COM



Self-Employment Refunds Now Available, Don't miss the Deadline to file and claim your refund..



Thanks for being the BEST part of IMARKETZONE!


Reede, Veebruaril 21, 2025

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